This next part is really easy.
Logon to you account
Click the Calculator button in your user toolbar
Find out how much its going to cost to make a certian amount per day. (right now 219.75 = 91$ a month in passive income) about 2.75 a day in income.
Then start putting your faucet earnings (which should be in your XAPO or COINBASE wallets if you've followed my instructions) into your account as often as you can (don't forget about the .0005btc minimum deposit)
Exchange your balance for KH/s (its what your money is working with)
and wait.
Depending on how much or little you put in, YOU will determine your on income destiny. and You will be able to use it for ANYTHING you like! set a goal reach it. and wait. it wont take long for your investment to bear a 40% return on investment per MONTH
The Money or time you invest into this CAN be FULLY REFUNDED by selling your shares on KH/s in the Trade Panel, then once you've earned (or sold your shares for an acceptable amount) withdraw the coins to your XAPO or COINBASE account. Ensuring that if you decide this isn't for you...... well lets say you don't actually lose ANY MONEY.
I hope you put this information to good use my friends. Its Free and can help us all out in the end. do the research, do the math, try it. you will be satisfied...
EISLEAD Signing off.....
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